- Mentor and Astrologer

My name is Calvin Keen

As a Mentor
I do my best to live up to the description in the ancient Greek language: Being a faithful and reliable guide who advises with wisdom and experience.

As an astrologer

I'm a translator of the sky’s whispers, a bridge between the cosmos and the human soul, that see not fate, but possibilities and one who whispers:
“Look here. The sky speaks to you. Your answers are written among the stars.”

My unique talent
To truly see and read people; to recognize both their innate talents and the patterns that hold them back from being truly successful.

As a mentor and astrologer
I use my own innate gift, my tools and experience to inspire clients to unlock their full potential and to coach visionary leaders and ambitious individuals to step into a powerful, transformed leadership and dare to aim for and achieve their biggest dreams.


Trusted International Advisor, Calvin Keen Dossmann - Nice by night
