New direction & Level up

Time to change

Just one of those periods in life.

Time for growth, change and next level - a 3 months course.

Private individuals, leaders and business owners book this course to get themself
back on track - in a much stronger version of themself.

There are individual and generel life stages/crisis and they all serve you positively when you know the nature af the different stages/crisis.

The predictable lifestages:
27/30 - 35/36/37 - 39-43 - 45 - 48 - 51 - 55/56 - 58/60 - 70 - 72 - 74 - 76 - 84

I know all there is to know about lifestages
- let me inspire you to ride the wave of change to your own advantaged and benefit.

Outcome: It might look challenging right know, but I promise you, you will be surprised how much good will come out of your investment in yourself in this stage of your life privately, careerwise, lovelife, health or elsewhere

This is how we work together

1. month, 1 session every week.

2. and 3. month, 1 session every second week.

The sessions have no timelimit, but usually the sessions are 1.5 - 2 hours each.

You will be positively surprised how much you will gain and grow from this intense program.