

Leadership development & Mental coaching
Leadership development and mindset coaching based on the leader's blueprint and development plan.

Strengthened EQ, higher engagement, stronger leadership, better results, greater work joy.



Outplacement/career transition of Danish top leader
Outplacement/career transition of Danish top leader after 36 years in corporate banking and investment business.
Making a successful transition from one safe branch to now working successfully at the same level in the field ofthe green transition and sustainability.

Less stress, purposeful career, releasing of unused potential, greater work joy.



C-level workshop for architect company - shortcut to their vision and greatness

American architect company, focusing on human and architectural wellness.
C-level workshop, combining their development planes with their blueprint, to extract the potential of greatness for six leaders and combining their individual human capital and aligning all of that with the greater vision of the company.

All six was uplifted and felt they were 'allowed' to stepping into their individual potential and greatness and now knew how to align their individual capacity with the greater vision of the company.

Extra result:
The workshop gave the c-level a 10 years shortcut to establish a safe and trustfull work environment.



Outplacement/career transition of Danish top leader

Outplacement/career transition of Danish topdirector of an international sales company for 17 years.
The company closed an my client insisted on getting back in a similar position.
I kept asking him to look for other possibilities.
After working with me for 9 months he realized that his heart-dream was to become a coach.


After hitting rock bottom due to his will pover, he finally made his transition haschanged his career to become a coach who extraordinarily successfully supports vulnerable and exposed people back to the labor market.

Extra result:
He has been offered several high profiled corporate business positions that he has all turned down due to his purposeful satisfaction making a great difference in vulnerable peoples life.


FENICE S.r.l. (Piemonte, Italy)

Aiming for his biggest dream and vision -

After 30 years of gaining experiences from various trades and branches, he began preparing for his big vision while he was still working as a bricklayer.
He reached out to me to become his private Trusted Advisor and for 12 month he put everything he got into his vision: 'Acquiring, preserving and selling estates through meticulous restoration processes, achieving the highest standards of luxury real estate.'

After several positive meetings with the mayer in Turin, the biggest bank in Italy, Intesa Sanpaolo, head of cultural heritage board and the City architect of Turin, who has all been positive, he is now on the brink of launching his 100 million € international company.
